Tuesday, March 22, 2005

March 22

March 22
Just a quick note. We had a great time with Vasya and Julia today and they didn’t want to return to the orphanage and we didn’t want to take them back. Hopefully it will be just a few more days and they can come to our flat.

It was a very warm day with lots of sunshine. We walked to the square and then the park and saw some of the New Years celebration. But it was very crowded so we decided to come back to the flat. The kids had a great time playing on the playground here at the apartment complex. We’ll have to write more about that later.

Shopan cooked the National Dish of Kazakhstan for us and we invited Jim and Anne and Sara and the Knauss girls over to share it with us. It’s a wonderful homemade noodle with horse meat. So yes, we did eat a horse! You eat it with your hands so that was quite interesting.

Tomorrow is court for both Jim and Anne and us so please keep all of us in your prayers.

What a great few days we’ve had. It’s been fun figuring out the dynamics of this new family structure. We’re all learning what’s expected of us.
We bought a bunch of food and are encouraging them to eat hearty and often! That’s going to be a common theme.
Hopefully, we’ll know a little more about our immediate future after court today. I’m not sure when we’ll actually take custody of the kids.

Kaz factoid of the day:
The heating system for everything in the city is centralized. They pick a date to turn everyone’s heat on in the Fall and off in the Spring, and if you have unseasonable weather you have to counter with either a sweater or open a window. Right now the heat is on, and if we have a day in the 60’s and keep the windows closed, the thermometer in the apartment can hit to 85 degrees. Now we have unlimited, instant hot water, but when they shut the heat off for the summer, it also ends the hot water supply. Cold showers for everyone until October! I told our coordinator that Americans would riot in the streets if faced with that. Our apartment has a small auxiliary hot water heater for summertime use, and that’s becoming pretty common for those who can afford it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will be thinking of you all day tomorrow and praying that all goes well. We really enjoy your comments each day...
We couldn't get Paige's blog to work, so this is for Paige:
We enjoy reading your blog...I hope you don't turn into a pizza.
Ha ha Love Grandpa and Grandma Mountz

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so incredibly grateful that your bonding time is going so well. We trust that all will go well tomorrow at the court. You have so much to be thankful for and thus so do we. As we say again and again, we love reading your posts. But we also are eager for your return home.
Laura and Dale

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally figured out how to get to your blog. Did you get my email back about Bibi? I am so excited for you guys. Are you asking for the 2 weeks to be waived? I hope you get the judge we had. She was very nice and seemed to have a tender heart. We will say a special prayer tonight that all goes well. Actually, it's 9:30 in the evening my time so it's 9:30 am your time. You may be on the way to court right now.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were so happy that you are getting along so well with the children. Sounds like they are already feeling like family. What a blessing? We're anxious to see you all. We'll be praying about your court time.Addi is here with Robin now. She is doing much better and is going to practice volleyball with the N.J.C. team Hugs for all, Mom & Dad P.

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy and Family!

We are loving reading all your happenings. This is very interesting to us and we love that we can be included in this happy event for you!

Your Tulsa Finance State Farm Friends!! Renee, Gina, Debbie, Arlene, Cindy & Shanan

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering how your court date went. Please post news as soon as possible. Glad we stayed in the hotel because we only lost hot water once and that was when an entire city block lost it and it took two days to get it back on. I took the fastest shower in my life and that was in June.

Gail Daras

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy and Russ, the lovely girls and Vasya and Julia! Good luck to all of you at the court! We are spiritually with you and we have only one wish: for all of you to be very happy as a family! It was fun to be reading your website, keep it going! Thank you and we wish you the best of luck! We hope you will be home soon! Sincerely, Alla and Adoption Ark

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know much about this blogger bit, but did want you to know that Hillrose Com. and RCS and our family are remembering you daily. a big adventure!! Eldon & Mona

3:34 PM  
Blogger ckeilin said...

Just logged on in hopes to hear how court went - hopefully - you are so busy as you prepare to leave (I'll keep my fingers crossed that post court time was waived). As nice as Taraz is - I know home sickness sets in. Heck even on a luxury cruise ship - I miss home at the end.

Looking forward to hearing!

Best wishes,
Cyndi Keilin

6:01 PM  

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