Wednesday, March 09, 2005

March 9, 2005

Today started with that rooster again at 3am. The other interesting thing about the apartment is we’re at the top of the trees where many large black birds perch for the night. When the sun does come up, they all start flying around and chirping. Birds in stereo!!

After school and work (Russ teaches Brooke and Paige while I dial in for work) we decided to venture out and walk back to the bazaar where Sara took us the other day. We went to a supermarket and bought a few more things including Tide (they also had Barf and Mudd brands, but we decided to stick with Tide) There were many American brand items. One day we’re going to try to find the Gross Market, which is supposed to have more US items.

At 2pm Sergei came and took us to the orphanage. We saw Julia again but Vasya was at school. In order to accommodate all the children, they go to school in shifts. Younger kids in the morning, older kids in the afternoon. Most of the other girls were at school too so we got to spend more time with Julia. We looked at our First 1,000 Words in Russian book, she taught us the Russian word while we taught her the English. All the children want to speak English and are immediately glued to anything with Russian/English translations. Our Russian/English phrase book is very popular. Julia lives in a family group that is sponsored by Interlink. Interlink provides English classes so the girls are learning English. They are very excited to try to talk to us in English and see if we understand.

Bulat completed the official paperwork to register us with the Ministry today and then came over to the orphanage. We met with the orphanage director to make our official statement. We waited for a few minutes in the outer office and then went in to the director’s office. She is a very nice woman. Bulat spoke to her a lot in Kazakh, telling her why we wanted to adopt children from Kazakhstan. Then we all stood up and Russ made the statement that after seeing many wonderful children, our family wanted to adopt Vasya and Julia. She congratulated us and told us they were both wonderful children. Then we went back to say our good byes and returned to the apartment.

We talked to Anne (& Jim) who are at the Gasovik. We’ll be getting together with them tomorrow evening. It will be nice to visit with another adoptive family. Their bonding time is also going well.
That’s all for today.


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