Wednesday, March 23, 2005

March 23

Court day: For those of you who just want the box score, WE WON ! Keep reading for the play by play.
We were a little nervous because we were the first case on the docket after Nauryz, and that’s similar to having to go back to work on Jan.2. We figured everyone would be grumpy, but they weren’t.The process itself is naturally intimidating-- it’s official, the stakes are high and it’s conducted in a language we don’t understand. In retrospect, they went pretty easy on us but we were still nervous. We were asked why we were adopting when we already had two children, how many rooms we had in our house, and what our plans were for these children. The judge talked to Vasya and Julia and both of their older sisters. We were impressed that their sister Anya took a 2 day train trip from Oktobe to be here. The kids hadn’t seen her in 3 years and were delighted to have her there. Everyone said they approved of the adoption, the judge said we were approved and everyone clapped. We all went outside, took pictures and then….the kids went back to the orphanage and we went back to the apartment, ready to be summoned for additional paperwork at any time. Not exactly a storybook ending to the day, but the approval of the adoption and actual custody are separate issues. Our coordinator went back over to the orphanage in the afternoon to talk to the director. Julia spotted him, ran downstairs and started grilling him with “When can we go, when can we go?” We completed the name changes and birth certificate requests at the Office of Records at 5:30 pm, so we should get custody today. We’re planning to move them out of the orphanage this afternoon. I have a feeling that their bags have been packed since yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations...We are so happy...can't wait to see you all.
Hope you will be able to come home soon. Please give all your kids a hug from us. Grandpa and Grandma

8:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations...We are so happy...can't wait to see you all.
Hope you will be able to come home soon. Please give all your kids a hug from us. Grandpa and Grandma

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you all. Your posting are so interesting. You'll have to keep it up even when you return for those of us further away. God bless all of you. Suz McCarron, Atlanta

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We logged on last night and read the wonderful news. The picture was such a treat. Thank you for taking the time to write, upload pictures and wait patiently for the computer to respond. Being able to "participate" in your journey is such a blessing to our family. Ryan and Jenna are also loving the experience. Every night you hear someone in our family yell out, "There's a new post!!!!" Please tell Brooke, Paige, Julia and Jack hello for us. We love you all and are eager for the first week in April to arrive.
Love, Dale and Laura

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh, Yeh, Yeh Good news! We are rejoicing with you all. I had Dane come up and print the picture for me . It turned out really well. What a sweet family. We'e excited for you ALL. Love and Prayers, the Lord bless you. Mom&Dad Peterson

7:23 PM  

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