Thursday, March 31, 2005

March 31

Math Word Problem for Today:
How fast does a 6 room flat on the 8th floor of a 9-story apartment building fill with smoke from a burning pot of rice if the kitchen window facing east is open and a moderate breeze is blowing? Tune in tomorrow for this and the answer to many other “burning questions” about life in Taraz!

Needless to say, I’ve found cooking to be a challenge. I have no idea what the elevation is here in Taraz, but I’m used to high altitude cooking with an American stove. With the combination of the match-light Russian stove and the low altitude, a teapot full of water boils in just a few minutes. Rice burns.

I hope some of you took notice to our earlier hint and are buying banana futures. I’m not sure if you can overdose on potassium but I think we’re the family that’s going to find out if it’s possible.

Russ had a touch of “Lenin’s Revenge” today (no doubt in response to his comments about Lenin’s headless monument and knowledge of world geography). Too many carbs and not enough veggies is beginning to take its toll.

I’ve informed Russ that I can only stay for 7 more days – then I’ll run out of my PG Tips (British tea). There’s only so much a person can take and that will be the end for me! Luckily Kazakhs are serious tea drinkers so I have a large selection of other teas to test as a back-up.

Tomorrow is April 1st and April Fools Day here is celebrated by turning off all the hot water. It’s a 6-month prank the city pulls on all the residents every year. We were hoping not to be here to celebrate this momentous occasion, but here we are. The good news is, tomorrow is also the official “plug in the hot water heater” day here at the flat.

Tonight the kids and I met Sara and Beth at the Georgian restaurant for supper. The food is always good and it’s the longest walk from the flat. With 4 preteens kids, we’re always looking for energy burning activities and long walks to nice restaurants work nicely. On the way back, the city’s colorful lights came on in the square and the music started for roller blading. It’s really beautiful, Vasya and Julia enjoyed seeing it. We stopped for ice cream at an ice cream cart and had an enjoyable walk home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we know not to mess with Wendy when she doesn't have her British tea!
Just kidding!

We are excited for you guys & for the fact that everything seems to be going "quickly" based on what you thought might happen.

Congratulations!! Alice & Mark & David

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

You had to mention the Georgian restaurant! I hope you had the shashlik and the waiter who is straight out of the SNL Sprokets skit. That was such great food.

Hope Russ feels better and that you have a wonderful time in Almaty. Na Zdarovya!

- Jim & Anne

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Guys,
We are going to turn off everyones hot water heater at midnight. (Except for Dane, becuse his hot water heater attacks him when he tries to light it...) APRIL FOOLS!

How did the rice taste?

Grandma & Dane

8:15 PM  

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