Friday, March 25, 2005

March 25

We bought bananas last night and once today and as I scan the kitchen now, they appear to be all gone. Any Potassium deficiencies that Vasya and Julia have should soon be a thing of the past. Apples are also a big hit, and they ate most of a huge can of peas that we had as part of supper.
Today was our first full day of independence from the “detsky dom”, so of course, we went back to meet with the director at 3:00. Since the kids were true orphans, the state set aside a small pension for them so they would have enough cash to find a place to live when they “graduated” from the orphanage. When a child is adopted the pension reverts to the state, unless specific provision is made to assign it to the orphanage. The director asked that we make the assignment. We were happy to agree—they do so much with so little.

Everything we read led us to believe that we would be eating a lot of meat here. Since we have our apartment and can cook for ourselves, the opposite has been true. Just seeing sun dried pig liver can dampen your enthusiasm for meat products for a day or two. If Dr Atkins could see what we eat, he’d be spinning in his grave. We’re on the Carbohydrate and fruit diet….lots of bread, rice, samsas (local fast food, similar to a turnover), pears, bananas, apples, fresh pineapple, and incredibly sweet little oranges. We keep asking where the oranges come from, and no one seems to know. The only things in short supply at this time of year are perishable veggies. We haven’t seen a lettuce leaf since London, but they’ve got lots of carrots, potatoes, cabbage and onions.


Saturday, we’re going to the bazaar to buy some clothes for the kids and some souvenirs. Then tonight we’ve invited the kids’sisters over for supper. Shopan is cooking her wonderful Montee. This may be the last time they see their sister from Aktobe before she returns on Monday. Tomorrow we’re having a party at the orphanage for all their friends and that should be the last time we visit there. So things are starting to wind down here in Taraz. We left home 3 weeks ago and we’re ready to return. We should leave for Almaty at some point next week, but we don’t know what day. Things happen when they happen, and we’ve learned to accept that, as frustrating as it is.Wendy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russ & Wendy
I am glad the sisters got to spend a little time with Jack and Julia.
Your journey to Zazahstan is comming to a end but your new experiences with your new added family has just begun.
As I read the comments I know there is a lot of your friends and family praying for you.
Love and Prayers
Grandpa and Grandma Mountz

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ones,
Maybe Buffalo won't seem so bad after sun dried pig liver. Anyway I'll bet you will be glad to get back to "our" food. Sounds like you will be coming back together. Let me know as I will probably need to bring your Van to pick you up. Love you much, Mom P.

9:04 AM  

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