Sunday, April 03, 2005

April 2

It was another beautiful day in Taraz. We don’t know how warm it was but it was warm enough for short sleeves and shorts – wish we’d brought some! Even our interpretor took off her coat this afternoon when we walked to the museum. That’s how warm it was!

At the museum we learned the ancient Kazakh people took the word “headstone” literally and their grave markers were carved to look like an individual. The museum is full of these stone sculptures and items from the soviet days. It was very interesting. We only spent 1 hour there but if the descriptions had been in English, we could easily have spent much more time. The museum does offer guides (and we’ve heard there’s a tour in English) but no guides were available today. We still had a good time.

We stopped at the San Prize restaurant for dinner. They have a very nice selection on their menu but were only serving pizza. So we had pizza. It was OK, not nearly as good as the pizza at Damdez. We will never get used to corn on pizza, which happens to be a standard topping here.

We had a nice walk back to the flat, stopped at a shop for a few pastries and got in the elevator. It moved slightly and the power went off. Yes, all 6 of use were stuck in the shower stall elevator in the dark. We managed to pry the elevator’s doors open and kick at the doors on the building, calling for help. When no one came, Russ was able to release the locks to get the building doors open. We were about 5 feet off the ground of the 1st floor. We lowered Vasya out of the 2 foot opening, then Julia (with the help of a local Kazakh girl who happened by) then Russ went out and helped the rest of us out. It seemed like an eternity, but we were only trapped for about 5-10 minutes. We’re decided that even though it’s 8 stories, we’re taking the stairs from now on. The power came back on, only to go off later in the evening. We did hear the elevator working later so they must have gotten it going again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Pizza Hut does not have all the toppings.
Kazakh Pizza! with corn topping, now that sounds like a new business or new on the camping nemu.
Here in N. PA we got 4" of spring snow, I think it was for the onions?
It has been hard on the deer population, As i am typing I can see four deer out side the window, browsering on what ever they can find.I think they are looking for sunshine also.
Looking forward to see all of you.

Love and prayers

Mom and Dad

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for Kaz elevators!! The corn Pizza topping reminds me of Grandmas corn in her scrambled eggs. I bet it's not too bad. The museum sounds interesting. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure. See you soon. Love Mom P.

10:34 AM  

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