Wednesday, April 06, 2005

April 6

Mind Teaser for Today
Into how many pieces will a hard boiled Easter egg with a shrink wrap design on the outside explode into if microwaved for 1 minute?

Well, this morning Vasya found the answer – millions! Microwaves are not common in homes here so this may be the first one they’ve seen. We’re going to have to enforce the following rule: “Mom or Dad must see what you’re about to place in the microwave BEFORE you place it in the microwave”. Thankfully, our microwave at home is a microwave/hood combination over the stove and they’re both so short they’ll need a chair to put anything in it. The movement of the chair should tip us off that something may be about to explode or catch fire.

More snow today. It only accumulated on the rooftops and the grass. Unfortunately landscaping is not a high priority here so there’s not much grass. Last evening the sun came out at sunset and we saw the sun shining over the tops of the buildings again. That’s such a beautiful sight. We hoped that was a sign that the clouds were moving out and we’d have clear skies today, but it was completely cloud covered again. Vasya told us tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and +7C. He said it’s -5C now. I don’t know Celsius like I should, but that’s a 12 degree swing in the opposite direction so that must mean it’ll be warmer tomorrow.

We walked downtown to the square and ate lunch at the Gazovik. Very good food! I highly recommend the chicken noodle soup on a cold day. And I’m not sure what kind of tea they serve but it was the best Kaz tea I’ve had so far.

Speaking of tea, we’ll use the last PG Tips tea bag tomorrow. A moment of silence, please.

The kids think I’m crazy, but I’ve been sneaking up on birds trying to get some pictures for my parents who like to watch birds. There are several small birds with very unusual markings. People look at me pretty strangely so bird watching must not have caught on over here yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Petersons, can't wait until you
get home. We miss you all. We are very anxious to give you and all
your children (Brooke, Paige, Vasya, and Julia) a BIG HUG.
Love Mom & Dad M

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, All you guys. How are you staying warm if they turned off the heat? I think it's time to come home. We are praying for the passports and Visas, fervently. Love you much, Mom and Dad P.

10:02 PM  

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